Contingency plans and recommendations for statistical production in the face of the health emergency generated by COVID-19

Given the magnitude of the health emergency generated by COVID-19 worldwide, which has interfered in the operation of the National Statistical Offices (NSO), and has even caused the suspension of several of its operations, "Conectados RTC" offers this space to publicize the recommendations by international organizations regarding statistical production, and the strategies that the countries are implementing.

The Statistics Division of ECLAC, the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Population and development Division (CELADE) of ECLAC, in collaboration with the National Statistics Institute (INE) of Chile, have carried out videoconferences with the statistical offices of the countries to address their concerns and provide technical support. Along with this, it is compiling the publications and announcements made by both international organizations and the NSOs, which details the recommendations and contingency plans adopted. Below you will find the respective links.










  • United Nations Economic Commission for Europe - UNECE 
    • COVID-19 and official statistics. This platform is dedicated to the COVID-19 response in the context of official statistics. You will find here information on the role of national statistical offices (NSOs) in the COVID-19 response, impacts of the crisis on statistical production and corresponding resources. 


  • European Statistical Office - EUROSTAT
    • COVID-19: Support for statisticians. This site brings together guides and methodological recommendations for statistical production in the face of problems caused by the health emergency in the operation of Statistical Offices.



  • United Nations Statistics Division - UNSD
    • COVID-19 response. This website provides a space for the global statistical community to share guidance, actions, tools and best practices to ensure the operational continuity of data programmes by National Statistical Offices 
    • Countries with a census in 2020 and the impact of COVID-19. This website provides an overview of the pandemic's consequences in terms of census-taking in the year 2020. 
    • UN COVID-19 Data Hub. This section makes data relevant to COVID-19 response readily available as geospatial data web services, suitable for the production of maps and other data visualizations and analyses, and easy to download in multiple formats. 


  • Committee for the Coordination of Statistical Activities - CCSA
    • How COVID-19 is changing the world: a statistical perspective. This document provides data on how the global pandemic is affecting the entire world. It covers different dimensions, from economic and environmental fluctuations to changes that affect individuals in terms of income, education, employment and violence and changes affecting public services such as civil aviation and postal services. The report also puts a spotlight on the affects for some sub-population groups like women and children as well as geographical regions.