

The Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN) is a website aimed to strengthening knowledge and cooperation in the field of statistics in Latin America and the Caribbean. It originates from the Statistical Conference of the Americas (SCA) and houses documents, audiovisual material, methodological tools, and other types of resources produced by both the Working Groups and the statistical community in the region.

The KTN was created at the IV SCA meeting (2007) as a mechanism to promote and coordinate training actions in official statistics at the regional level. Its implementation has been carried out successively by the National Institute of Statistics (INE) of Spain, the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) of Mexico and the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE) of Colombia, and its main work has been It has been consolidating around the socialization of information among the countries of the region. Since 2018, the KTN has been in charge of the Statistics Division of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC).

As one of the main ways to advance towards a greater integration and management of statistical knowledge, the KNT encourages the exchange of knowledge and practice between the National Statistical Offices (NSOs) through virtual meetings (called "Conectados RTC"). As of the X meeting of the CEA (2019), the National Institute of Statistics (INE) of Chile assumed the coordination of the virtual meetings. Thanks to its management, numerous meetings have been held in a sustained manner, on social, economic and environmental statistics, both for Latin America and the Caribbean. These meetings have been vital to contribute to the functioning of the NSOs, especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Likewise, space has been given to the SCA Working Groups to share their progress and results with the rest of the regional statistical community. The videos and presentations are available at the link "Conectados RTC".

SCA Working Groups

The Working Groups constitute a modality of collaboration between countries that contributes to the implementation of the Strategic Plan of the Statistical Conference of the Americas. Through the design of a biennial program of regional and international cooperation activities, each one of them intends to carry out a set of objectives and goals depending on the development of a particular topic or statistical area. For its operation, the member countries of each group designate a Coordinating Country and a Technical Secretariat, which are defined in each period.

For the 2024-2025 biennium, the SCA is made up of 13 Working Groups:

  1. Analysis of area frames in agricultural surveys
  2. Analysis of measurement of dependent contractors and the informal economy
  3. Analysis of technologies and methodologies for census mapping
  4. Data imputation methodologies applied in household surveys and population censuses
  5. Guidelines for development of an integrated system of well-being indicators
  6. Guidelines on metadata management when implementing the generic statistical business process model (GSBPM)
  7. Manual on the integration of administrative data on children and adolescents
  8. Peer review mechanism in Latin America and the Caribbean
  9. Practical guide for production of harmonized statistics on forced displacement and migration
  10. Recommendations for incorporating small area estimation methodologies into the production of statistics
  11. Recommendations for strengthening official environmental statistics systems
  12. Reference guide on police administrative records
  13. Tools for mainstreaming the gender perspective in statistical production processes