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United Nations
Knowledge Transfer Network
of the Statistical Conference of the Americas
Working groups
Conectados RTC
Dissemination resources
Methodological tools
RTC Community
Grupos de trabajo
Peer review
Peer review mechanism in Latin America and the Caribbean
Census mapping
Analysis of technologies and methodologies for census mapping
Data imputation
Data imputation methodologies applied in household surveys and population censuses
Small area estimation
Recommendations for incorporating small area estimation methodologies into the production of statistics
Metadata management
Guidelines on metadata management when implementing the generic statistical business process model (GSBPM)
Administrative records
Manual on the integration of administrative data on children and adolescents
Tools for mainstreaming the gender perspective in statistical production processes
Well-being indicators
Guidelines for development of an integrated system of well-being indicators
Forced displacement
Practical guide for production of harmonized statistics on forced displacement and migration
Labour market
Analysis of measurement of dependent contractors and the informal economy
Environmental statistics
Recommendations for strengthening official environmental statistics systems
Agricultural surveys
Analysis of area frames in agricultural surveys
Police administrative records
Reference guide on police administrative records