This document was elaborated by the Working Group on Gender of the Statistical Conference of the Americas of ECLAC, 2020-2021 biennium. The Working Group was coordinated by Mexico (National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI)) and the Division for Gender Affairs of ECLAC, the Statistics Division of ECLAC and the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN-Women) served as technical secretariat.
The guide will enable the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean to learn about experiences in measuring time use in the region, the diversity of tools used and the lessons learned. It will facilitate decision-making by entities such as the national statistical offices and the national machineries for the advancement of women, and by the academic community specialized in gender issues. Throughout this process, different mechanisms have been used to exchange information on the various aspects and decisions spanning all stages of the design, formulation, implementation and evaluation of a time-use survey, which has broadened the scope of dialogue between different actors. Moreover, owing to the collaborative and participatory work dynamic applied in preparing the guide, different needs and specifics are documented not only from a theoretical perspective, but also based on the reality and experience of the countries.
In addition to contributing to the institutions in planning their future measurements, this also makes a major contribution to the methodological discussion on time-use surveys at both the regional and the international levels. In particular, the long track-record of the region’s countries in using questionnaires based on a list of activities has been documented in this guide. In general, the document seeks to contribute to the implementation and harmonization of quality time-use measurements in the region, through a didactic methodological instrument based on regional learning to guide decision-making.
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Introduction .-- Chapter I. Time-use from a gender perspective in Latin America and the Caribbean .-- Chapter II. The state of the art in time-use measurements in Latin American and Caribbean countries .-- Chapter III. Conceptual framework .-- Chapter IV. Methodological aspects of time-use surveys .-- Chapter V. Minimum set of time-use activities for Latin America and the Caribbean: an instrument for progressing towards international comparability .-- Chapter VI. Time-use data for public policy: experiences and challenges.