National Accounts

National Accounts

National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI) of Perú
Coordinator Focal Point
José Luis Franco Robles
Technical Secretariat
Statistics Division of ECLAC
Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE) of Boliva
Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas (INE) of Chile
Oficina Nacional de Estadística e Información (ONEI) of Cuba
Oficina Nacional de Estadística (ONE) of Dominican Republic
Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos (INEC) of Ecuador
National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE) of France
Bureau of Statistics (BoS) of Guyana
Statistical Institute of Jamaica (STATIN)
Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI) of Mexico
National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI) of Perú
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics


Contribute to the implementation of the System of National Accounts 2008 (SNA 2008) in the countries of the region and thereby to promote greater integration between the production of basic economic statistics, national accounts and users.


  1. Coordinate the efforts of the international organizations working on the development and implementation of SNA. Diagnostic studies and inventories will therefore be updated and expanded with a view to furthering the preparation of strategic plans for monitoring SNA implementation in the region.
  2. Raise awareness of the methodologies and best practices used in national accounts estimates in the region and of recommendations, manuals, classifications, norms and international standards that are useful for implementing the SNA in the region.
  3. Promote the harmonization of methodologies, classifications, cycles and coverage used in relation to national accounts and basic statistics in the region.
  4. Expand capacities and specific technical skills via such methods as courses, working groups, seminars, missions and horizontal cooperation.